(R3/314/6/0002) 02/27 (A7921)
The Bachelor of Analytical Economics (Hons.) integrates economic theories, econometrics analysis and business analytics in decision making. Students in this programme will be able to construct various econometrics models for analysis and decision making. This is a degree that has significant hours for quantitative and programming subjects, hence making our graduates Big Data Ready. This programme is the first programme that achieved all criterion assessments by ASEAN-QAActual Quality Assessment since 2013.
For Bachelor of Digital Enterprise Management (Hons):
The requirement to Pass Mathematics and English Subjects at SPM Level can be waived should the qualifications contain Mathematics and English subjects with equivalent/ higher achievement.
Malaysian students using English as the medium of instruction in their previous study or with at least Band 2 in MUET or equivalent can be exempted from a pass in English requirement.
Those without a pass in Mathematics and/or English at SPM level or equivalent can be admitted but are required to attend special enhancement course(s). These special enhancement courses should be SPM equivalent, remedial in nature. Students must pass the Mathematics and English enhancement courses as a prerequisite to related core courses taught in English.
(English subject requirement does not apply to international students since they are required to meet certain scores of international English examination and privileged with certain exemptions)
* DKM/DLKM/DVM candidates may be required to undergo Bridging Programme as an additional requirement.