
Sharing Media Communication Trends & Techniques via Mobility Programme


The Faculty of Applied Communication (FAC) and the Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) organised a two-week virtual mobility programme with a total of 121 participants from 11 varsities and higher learning institutions throughout Asia, recently. The programme aimed to introduce the concepts and strategies as well as basic skills in producing media communication content.

The International Relations Office (IRO) received an overwhelming response to the programme. Among participating universities were University of the Cordilleras, Dong Nai Technology University, Mercu Buana University, Universitas Pertamina, NIIT University, University Diponegoro (UNDIP), Universitas Muria Kudus, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogjakarta, Tzu Chi University, Noble group of institution, and Telkom University.

In the first week, the FAC trainers explained the approaches of media communication practices such as social media tactics and trends, ethics in producing content as well as principles in branding and marketing. While FCM trainers continued the session to introduce basic skills and techniques in media content production, poster design techniques, video editing skills, and stop-motion production during the second week of the programme.

The participants were required to work in groups on several projects to apply the skills and techniques learnt during the training sessions and they were evaluated by the trainers on their creative content production. Moreover, the organiser also conducted discussion sessions with peers and student volunteers from our university, which allowed the participants to interact, reflect, and gain a new perspective and overall student life experience.

The closing ceremony was graced by the presence of Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Kuan, Vice President of Academic and International Relations (VP AIR); Dr. Ong Sue Lyn, Dean of FAC; Dr. Lim Kok Yoong, Dean of FCM, trainers, and invited representatives from partner universities. The closing ceremony showcased the creative production, talents, and cultural performances by the participants. The winning groups and the best work were awarded digital certificates to acknowledge their effort and dedication.

This virtual mobility programme adopted innovative approaches to meet participants’ learning needs and requirements. MMU has embraced this new norm in ensuring the continuity of such initiatives for a holistic student experience despite the substantial shifts and restrictions. The participants were highly motivated, committed, and enthusiastic in engaging with the learning process during the period.