A group of staff from the Faculty of Management (FOM) and the Faculty of Business (FOB) participated as Malaysian delegates and MMU ambassador in the 7th edition of the Global Waqf Conference (GWC) 2019 in Kuala Lumpur from 10 November until 12 November 2019. The event was officiated by YB Pn. Hajjah Fuziah Salleh, the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religion), which was attended by approximately 500 people from various countries and industries.

MMU involved in the pre-conference, Global Waqf Network (GWN), and its main event with the participation of Dr Ridzwan Bakar as co-chairman of the GWN forum. On the second day, Dr Ridzwan was invited as a guest speaker to deliver a talk on “Waqf Governance in Malaysia”, applauded as a good benchmark to other countries. During the conference, the Deputy Minister, VVIPs and delegates visited MMU booth to understand MMU roles in millenials development and innovation.