Four Multimedia University (MMU) academicians and two industry experts were invited to share their expertise and knowledge through a seminar entitled “FinTech: Recent Developments and Trends”. The seminar was held at the Melaka campus on 3rd October 2019. A total of 150 students from Banking and Finance programme from the Faculty of Business (FOB) attended this seminar including the Banking and Finance programme coordinator, Dr. Ng Tuan Hock.

The seminar was initiated by the academicians, where Dr. Mohammad Tariqul Islam Khan, a banking and finance lecturer, shared his knowledge on robo-advisor and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in banking, particularly robo-advisor in global, Asian and Malaysian perspective, Malaysia digital investment framework, AI in debt collection, budgeting and predicting future cash flow. Mr. R. Rajagopal Raghavan expounded on FinTech- a disruptive technology. He covered topics such as disruptive elements in Fintech, types of FinTech disruptive industry, and growth of Fintech in Malaysia.

The seminar also highlighted on challenges and opportunities of the fourth industrial revolution by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Shohel Sayeed from the Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST), a member of digital lifestyle, which explained more on industry 4.0 framework, technology pillars of industry 4.0, next industrial revolution, industry 5.0 and co-working. The next speaker, Dr. Audrey Lim Li Chin who is a lecturer of banking and finance, shared her knowledge on big data in investment management in terms of characteristics and sources of big data as well as its challenges.

The external speaker, Dr. Wong Wai Wai who is an independent consultant, talked about introduction to smart contract and its legal issues. Her topics included advantages of smart contract, Blockchain and smart contract, application of smart contract, Ethereum Blockchain, and legal aspects of legal contract. The seminar ended by Mr Harpreet Sing Maan, the CEO of Blocklime. He shared his in-depth knowledge on Blockchain in business application comprising concept, application and future of Blockchain.

All in all, the students were exposed to in depth knowledge on FinTech’s recent developments and trends comprising various areas such as robo-advisor, Artificial Intelligence in banking, the scenario and growth of FinTech industry in Malaysia, industry 4.0 and next industrial revolution, big data, Blockchain and smart contracts. Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Gerald Goh Guan Gan, the dean of FOB awarded the certificates to the attendees that passed the assessment test during the seminar.