Around 300 students attended a talk by Mr. M.V. Nathan (practising lawyer and founder, EDICT-Elimination of Deaths in Custody) entitled “Death in Custody: Issues, Concerns and Way Forward” in Melaka recently. The talk was organised by the International Business (IB) unit of the Faculty of Business (FOB).   

Reports of deaths while being detained, whether in police or immigration custody, are very concerning.  Mr Nathan dissected this issue and evaluated it from both ethical and human rights lenses. This talk shed light on protecting the underlying human rights and the rights to be treated humanely while in custody.

Mr. Nathan’s great oratory skills interjected with humour engaged each and everyone in the audience. The talk gave the students a different perspective and urged them to question the human rights of all including the custodial rights of detainees. The speaker left the audience with the message that they all have roles to play in this society and to exercise their power as good citizens in protecting the basic rights of humans.