A group of 32 students and 2 lecturers from the Birla Global University (BGU), Bhubaneswar, India were formally welcomed for an exciting 5-day International MBA Students Exchange Programme in Melaka campus recently. The programme was officiated by Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Gerald Goh Guan Gan, the Dean of Faculty of Business (FOB) who wished the students a fruitful exchange experience in Malaysia. Representing BGU were Asst. Prof. Dr. Archana Choudhury and Asst. Prof. Dr. Sujit Kumar Patra, who hoped that this inaugural exchange programme would further strengthen the collaboration between MMU and BGU in the areas of academic, research and innovation, and student mobility programme.

During the exchange programme, the BGU and FOB postgraduate students attended a panel discussion session, “Digital and Technology Transformation”, aimed to widen the horizon of participants by sharing interesting development of technologies in the field of education (Dr. Liew Tze Wei, MMU), finance (Mr. R. Rajagopal, MMU), marketing (Dr. Sujit Kumar Patra, BGU), economics (Mr. Bello Mufutau Opeyemi, MMU GRA), and human resource management (Dr. Archana Choudhury, BGU). Moreover, the education trips and visits were organised for the students to gain diverse insights and to enjoy beautiful places around Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Kuala Lumpur.

During the closing and certificates presentation ceremony, the Dean of FOB expressed his gratitude to the organising committee and FOB postgraduate students for successfully conducted the exchange programme. The BGU delegates and MBA students also expressed their heartfelt appreciation to MMU for hosting the exchange programme and hope that similar programmes can be continued in the future.