A total of 15 students from Faculty of Law went to High Court in Shah Alam and met with a High Court judge, Yang Arif Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera. This trip was organised by the Multimedia University Law Society (MULS) and the students were accompanied by the MULS’s advisor, Ms. Rebecca Mathan.

The main purpose of this trip was to inspire and to provide the law students with a personal exposure to the judiciary. The session also provided a unique opportunity for them to enjoy a casual conversation with one of Malaysia’s premier judges.

During the sharing session, His Lordship enlightened the students with great insight on his journey and experience in the judiciary. He also benevolently gave some tips and advices to the students on how to excel in their academics and shared the right pathway to being a successful lawyer or judge. The session was also attended by the Shah Alam High Court Deputy Registrar, Ahmad Rizki Abdul Jalil, who also shared his experience.