The Learning Institute for Empowerment (LIfE) and its student committee hosted Integrity and Leadership Day at the Cyberjaya and Melaka campuses, with the events taking place on 20 September 2024 in Cyberjaya and 26 September 2024 in Melaka. This engaging event welcomed students enrolled in the LMPU3312 Integrity and Leadership course, providing them with invaluable insights into these critical concepts through the perspectives of esteemed guest speakers.

At the Cyberjaya campus, the event took place in Dewan Tun Canselor, where two prominent speakers took the stage. Nurhayati Dato’ Nordin, Chief Executive Officer of #RasuahBusters, delivered a compelling talk entitled “The Importance of Leadership in the Era of Millennials.” Her insights resonated deeply with the audience, shedding light on the evolving dynamics of leadership in today’s context. Additionally, Ms. Wawa Idris, a Certified Image Consultant, shared her expertise in “Image Management for Leaders,” emphasing how a leader’s image significantly influences their effectiveness and impact. The students were captivated by the knowledge shared, gaining fresh perspectives that inspired them to think critically about their roles as future leaders.

At the Melaka campus, the event featured Lieutenant Colonel Norhana Abd Manaf, Malaysia’s first female helicopter pilot, alongside Ms. Wawa Idris. Both shared their inspiring stories and valuable insights, enriching the students’ understanding of integrity and the essential qualities for effective leadership. Additionally, this event provided the student committee with hands-on experience in event management, helping them to further enhance their skills in organizing and executing events successfully.

Overall, these sessions significantly enhanced students’ comprehension of integrity and leadership, equipping them with the tools and motivation to excel in their personal and professional journeys.