On 11 September 2024, the Al-Irsyad Islamic Centre of MMU Melaka held a special Maulidur Rasul celebration at Dataran Permata to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Themed “Rasulullah: Murabbi Terulung”, the event brought together MMU staff, students, and members of the local community in a spirit of unity and reflection.

The celebration began with a nasyid performance by students from SRITI An-Najah, Bukit Katil. This was followed by a captivating panel discussion featuring speakers, Ustaz Faisol Syeikh Mohd and Ustaz Ahmad Fahim Robani from the Learning Institute for Empowerment (LIfE). The session was moderated by Mr. Muhammad Nor from the Faculty of Law (FOL) and delved into the teachings and wisdom of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., highlighting his exemplary role as a teacher and guide.

The event concluded with the presentation of awards and tokens of appreciation to the distinguished panelists, marking a successful and enriching programme that fostered a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Prophet’s teachings.