On 28 August 2024, Multimedia University (MMU) hosted a memorable Ambang Merdeka ceremony at its Melaka campus, organised by the Student Lifestyle & Experience (STyLE) department in collaboration with the student committee. The event was officially launched by MMU President, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su’ud, who was joined by Prof. Wong Eng Kiong, Vice President of Student Experience & Entrepreneurship Development, and the Melaka Campus Director, Prof. Ir. Dr. Hairul Azhar Abdul Rashid, Vice President of Market Exploration, Engagement & Touchpoint (MEET) and other MMU officers.

The ceremony was a vibrant showcase of national pride, unity, and cultural heritage, featuring a variety of cultural performances from several MMU clubs and societies including captivating performances by the Chinese Language Society, Indian Language Society, and Kumpulan Anom Bidasari. Adding to the festive atmosphere, special performances by local artists singing patriotic songs stirred feelings of patriotism and love for the nation among the audience.

The event successfully brought together people from diverse backgrounds, reflecting Malaysia’s multicultural society and celebrating their shared identity as Malaysians. It was a fitting tribute to the spirit of independence, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity among the MMU community.