On 21 August 2024, the Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) conducted the i-Cadet Tech Talk 2024, an event that provided comprehensive insights into the latest industry trends and innovations in the creative multimedia sector. The session featured industry giants such as Mirage Works, NVIDIA, ASUS, and AMD, and attracted over 150 attendees, primarily junior students from various FCM programs. As these students embark on their journeys in the creative multimedia field, the tech talk served as a crucial opportunity to broaden their understanding of the industry and prepare them for future careers.

The i-Cadet Tech Talk featured four in-depth sharing sessions, each led by representatives from the participating companies. Mirage Works focused on the animation pipeline, providing detailed insights into the processes and technologies involved in professional animation production. Their session highlighted the end-to-end workflow of animation, from concept development to post-production, giving students a clearer understanding of the industry’s demands.

Meanwhile, representatives from ASUS, NVIDIA, and AMD shared the latest advancements in technology specifically tailored for multimedia professionals. These sessions covered new tools, cutting-edge hardware, and software developments that are essential for creative industries. Students were introduced to innovative graphics solutions, high-performance computing options, and the latest multimedia technologies that are shaping the future of creative content creation.

In addition to the informative presentations, the event offered a valuable networking platform where students and lecturers could interact directly with industry professionals. This interaction enabled attendees to build professional relationships, gain insights into potential career paths, and explore internship and job opportunities within the multimedia and technology sectors.

To add an element of excitement and engagement, a lucky draw was held during the event, where five ASUS gaming mice were given away to fortunate students. This surprise draw not only energised the audience but also made the event a memorable experience for all participants.

The i-Cadet Tech Talk 2024 exemplifies FCM’s commitment to providing its students with exposure to real-world industry trends, cutting-edge technologies, and career-building opportunities. The collaboration between FCM and industry leaders like Mirage Works, NVIDIA, ASUS, and AMD continues to foster an environment of innovation and professional growth within the university.