On 16 August 2024, the MESRA Club successfully organised an enlightening talk entitled “Pewarisan Harta Menurut Undang-Undang Syariah Dan Sivil: Persediaan Dan Implikasi Bagi Waris.” to MMU staff.  The session was conducted by Hjh Siti Alwiah Daud, a prominent lawyer and certified speaker, alongside Nurul Hafizah @ Mimie Hafizah, our FOM alumna (Class of 2015) from Wasiyyah Shoppe Berhad.

The session provided an in-depth exploration of the complexities surrounding asset inheritance under both Syariah and Civil law frameworks. The speakers emphasised the importance of careful preparation in managing and naming assets to ensure a smooth transfer to the next generation. The staff gained valuable insights into the legal implications and practical considerations that heirs should be aware of when planning for asset distribution.

This talk was not only informative but also a critical reminder of the steps individuals can take to safeguard their family’s future through thoughtful assets planning. MESRA Club continues to uphold its commitment to educating and empowering its members through events that address pertinent issues.