A group of students from the Faculty of Business (FOB) under the guidance of Ms. Ikha Fadzila Md. Idris conducted a programme to contribute to the conservation of the endangered Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), renowned as one of the most beautiful turtle species in the world. This initiative was made possible through a collaboration with the Melaka Turtle Conservation and Information Centre in Masjid Tanah. 

 The students engaged in various conservation activities, including cleaning the beaches where the turtles lay their eggs, maintaining the hatchery, and ensuring the cleanliness of the turtle pool. Their exemplary commitment to environmental conservation aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Life Below Water). The beaches at Padang Kemunting, where the conservation centre is situated, have recorded the highest landings of Hawksbill Turtles in Melaka, protected under the Fisheries Act 1985. 

During the programme, students toured the facilities and learned about the centre’s operations. The centre’s hatchery can house between 300 to 600 turtle egg nests each nesting season. Upon hatching, the baby sea turtles are released into the sea. The staff at the centre were thoroughly impressed by the MMU students’ team spirit, active participation, and their in-depth understanding of the sea turtles’ habits and the challenges these majestic creatures face. This project not only improved the living conditions for the turtles but also raised awareness about the importance of protecting marine life. 

Kudos to the MMU students for their perseverance and dedication! Their efforts have significantly impacted the local environment and set a powerful example of community involvement and ecological responsibility among the younger generation in Malaysia.