On 30 May 2024, an exclusive Bursa webinar was conducted by renowned financial speaker, trader, and investor Mr. Shane Choo, Director of LifeChamp. Known for his extensive experience in trading and investing in local and global stocks, ETFs, and currencies, Mr. Choo has earned recognition for his expertise. He holds certification as a Professional Trainer by IPMA, UK, and is an HRD Corp Accredited Trainer. In 2015, his outstanding contributions to financial education were acknowledged by President Obama, further solidifying his status as a leading young figure in the field. 

During the webinar, participants were immersed in a wealth of knowledge. Mr. Choo covered fundamental principles of investing, market structures, various trading styles, and provided valuable insights into both fundamental and technical analysis. His comprehensive guidance equipped attendees with the tools and strategies necessary for successful financial trading endeavors. 

The interactive nature of the webinar allowed students to engage directly with Mr. Choo. They had the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalised advice tailored to their individual interests and aspirations. This direct interaction enhanced the educational experience, providing participants with practical, actionable insights to apply in their own investment practices. 

Organised by the Bursa Young Investor Club and the Banking & Finance Department of the Faculty of Business (FOB), this webinar successfully empowered students with practical skills and knowledge essential for navigating the complexities of the financial world. The event has undoubtedly positioned them for success in their future financial endeavors, making it a valuable addition to their academic journey.