On 15 May 2024, 40 students attended a captivating career talk led by Ms. Yvonne Tan, Human Resource & Admin Manager at Newswav. Jointly organised by Career Connect and the Faculty of Applied Communication, the session focused on two vital aspects of job applications: “Showcasing Your Skills and Experience in Cover Letters and Resumes” and “Essential Dos and Don’ts for Successful Interviews.” 

Ms. Yvonne shared practical insights on effectively presenting qualifications and experiences in cover letters and resumes, stressing the importance of tailoring these documents to match job descriptions and using impactful language to convey achievements. She also provided comprehensive guidance on interview preparation and execution, covering essential dos and don’ts such as punctuality, appropriate attire, and company research. Her advice on handling common interview questions and post-interview follow-ups was invaluable. 

The students found the session immensely beneficial, gaining a clearer understanding of the hiring process and enhanced confidence in their job search strategies. The interactive Q&A segment allowed participants to seek personalized advice, making the talk both informative and engaging. 

Overall, the event was a resounding success, showcasing the value of Career Connect and FAC in preparing students for their future careers.