On 12 May 2024, the Faculty of Business (FOB) staff conducted a talk titled “Mapping Your Journey Beyond SPM” for students from low-income families in Jasin, Melaka. The session aimed to provide guidance and support to reduce the dropout rate after SPM. Nine students from Jasin and Merlimau participated in the talk, which covered several key themes essential for their academic journey.  

The talk began by underscoring the importance of pursuing further education beyond SPM. Speakers highlighted how continued study opens doors to better opportunities and empowers individuals to break the cycle of poverty. They also discussed strategies for  maintaining focus and cultivating a positive mindset, recognizing these as crucial attributes for academic success. Participants were also introduced to practical techniques for improving learning efficiency and maximizing their potential.   

Engaging activities were integrated into the session to reinforce key concepts. Students were guided in setting clear and specific objectives for their academic pursuits, accompanied by strategies to achieve these objectives. The creation of Vision Boards provided a tangible representation of the students’ aspirations, instilling a sense of purpose and motivation to pursue their dreams.  

The talk also explored various pathways available after SPM, shedding light on the qualifications required for further studies. By presenting diverse options, students were encouraged to explore avenues that align with their interests and career aspirations. The session concluded with a motivational segment aimed at inspiring students to persevere in their academic journey despite challenges, for a brighter future.