The Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) Alumni Committee recently organised a sharing session specifically tailored for Robotics ad Automation students. The session was conducted by Mr. Lui Poh Wei, an esteemed alumnus who graduated with a Bachelor of Electronics Engineering (Hons) in Robotics and Automation Engineering in 2022, and currently holds the position of Test and Automation Engineer at Texas Instruments Electronics Malaysia, Melaka. 

Attended by approximately 30 students, the session proved to be incredibly insightful and inspiring for all attendees He delved into the realm of automation, emphasising its importance in today’s industrial landscape, and provided a concise overview of the roles and responsibilities of automation and final test engineers. His focus then shifted to the crux of the matter: the requisite skills set for a successful career in Automation Engineering. He highlighted the significance of both soft and hard skills, categorising communication skills and complex problem-solving as essential soft skills, while programming and hardware designing skills fell under the domain of hard skills.  

The speaker also encouraged the students to actively engage and pose thought-provoking questions during the session. He underscored the relevance of the foundational knowledge acquired during undergraduate studies, emphasising the importance of core subjects aligned with one’s chosen career path. For example, he stressed the indispensability of electronics knowledge for aspiring Electronics Engineering professionals. In summary, the session provided an invaluable platform for the engineering students to glean insights into the essential skill sets required for a promising career in Automation Engineering.