The Faculty of Business (FOB) Peer Tutoring Programme for Trimester 2310 was a comprehensive initiative aimed at providing academic support to students facing challenges in specific subjects. Spanning from 1 to 19 January 2024, the programme adopted a flexible approach, offering both face-to-face and online sessions to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of participants. 

Through group sessions and one-on-one interactions, tutors engaged with their assigned tutees, focusing on enhancing understanding and proficiency in targeted subjects. The programme’s duration was structured to ensure regular and consistent support, with sessions occurring once a week for a maximum of two hours, facilitating sustained progress and learning.

A key aspect of the programme was the involvement of dedicated tutors who volunteered their time and expertise to guide and mentor their peers. Seven tutors, each with distinct academic backgrounds ranging from Management to Accounting and Business Administration, took on the responsibility of assisting students in need. With one tutor assigned to four tutees, the programme aimed to maintain a conducive environment for personalised attention and tailored support, fostering meaningful academic growth and development.

The selection of subjects for the programme was based on identified areas with high failure rates, reflecting a strategic approach to addressing academic challenges effectively. Subjects such as Financial Accounting and Reporting II, Principles of Marketing, Business Management, Introduction to Information Systems, and Financial Accounting & Business Accounting were prioritised to provide targeted assistance to students struggling in these areas.

By offering support in subjects where students faced difficulties, the programme aimed to bolster academic performance and confidence among participants, ultimately contributing to their overall success in their academic endeavors. Feedback from both tutors and tutees highlighted benefits derived from the programme. Tutees expressed appreciation for the personalised attention received from their tutors, noting improvements in their understanding of course material, study skills, and overall academic performance.

Tutors, on the other hand, reported positive experiences, citing the opportunity to explore new teaching methods, enhance their leadership skills, and contribute meaningfully to the academic success of their peers. Overall, the FOB Peer Tutoring Programme emerged as a valuable initiative that fostered a supportive learning environment, empowered students to overcome academic challenges, and promoted collaborative learning within the academic community.