The Faculty of Management (FOM) hosted an industrial visit by Dr. Kasuma Satria, the Chief Human Resources and Sustainability Officer and Corporate Communications Director of AEON Co. (M) Bhd on 22 January 2024. Dr. Kasuma is an Industrial Advisory Panel for the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme.  

 The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Associate Professor Dr. Tan Booi Chen, Deputy Dean of Research and International Collaboration and followed by a presentation on academic curriculum by Dr. Norhazlin Ismail, DBA Programme Coordinator. This visit aimed to assess the programme in ensuring the programme aligns with the industry standards.  

 Dr. Kasuma, who is also our Permata Dunia graduated in 2018, has vast experience in retail, education consultation, oil and gas, energy business, and manufacturing. He also conducted a talk to postgraduate students and staff during the visit. Titled “3H – As A Winning Strategy”, the speaker elaborated on the 3H principles which refer to Head (ability to do things), Hand (ability to execute) and Heart (ability to work with people) that must be balanced for long-term success.  

The audience gained new perspectives from this insightful and inspiring talk session. Dr. Kasuma also gave constructive feedback for the DBA programme during the exit meeting. Dr. Hasni Hanafi, Deputy Dean of Academic and International Relation also present during the meeting.