Mr. Vincent Chan, our academic member from the Faculty of Business (FOB), was selected to mentor one of the finalist groups in the Cabaran Keusahawanan GenZ (GenZEC) 2023. Team Blossom comprises of Puteri Nur Syafiqah, Siti Fasha, Afrina Zulaikha, Nur Alya Nabilah, and Nur Aina Safra from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Putrajaya Presint 16 (1) received the guidance from Mr. Vincent and the team emerged as champions in the competition on 14 December 2023.  

The winning team walked away with a cash prize of RM1,000. Organised by Hong Leong Foundation and Future Lab, this competition ran for three months from 3 October until 14 December 2023. The participating teams underwent mentor sessions and workshops throughout the period.  

Mr. Vincent also conducted a workshop on Business pitch tips for the participants, where he shared the effective tips on how to deliver a great presentation. During the competition, the Blossom team pitched an innovative idea called DuoGlide, a footwear that combines the function of shoe and slipper. The judges were impressed with their presentation and the prototype that they created.  

Well done!