A group of 21 students from Foundation in English programme from Faculty of Applied Communication (FAC) in MMU Cyberjaya, visited one of the biggest advertising companies in Malaysia – Leo Burnett. The purpose of the trip was to expose the students to the creative industry and to experience the positive vibes in the workplace.

They were greeted with a warm welcome by Ms Shamala, the Public Relation Officer in Leo Burnett Company at Menara Olimpia, Kuala Lumpur. Ms Shamala gave a mini tour around the office explaining significant places that they usually use for work and events. One particular memorable area was a discussion room which frequently used by the late Yasmin Ahmad, a prominent creative writer in advertising and film industry. Ms Shamala further explained that Yasmin’s Ahmad office will remain vacant forever to commemorate her excellent contribution to the industry. Yasmin Ahmad has clearly won people’s heart by inspiring everyone with her powerful movies and advertisements.

After the mini tour, all students gathered at the mini theatre to listen to the main speaker of the day, Mr. Hisham Saleh who gave a talk on how to craft effective messages in the new media. Mr Hisham who is the Director of Social Content and Commerce in the company, shared his views and experiences in the industry and creative sector. He showcased many advertisement videos produced by Leo Burnett such as for McDonald and Petronas. It was a very interesting talk as he gave plenty of tips and tricks on how to reach audiences through social media.

The experience in Leo Burnett has taught the students that a good company would be about pushing dreamers to not be afraid to take risks and to step out of their comfort zone, so that they can achieve their full potential. The trip ultimately has inspired students to learn more on how an advertising company works and how to think outside the box.