On 29 August 2023, Tc. Mohd Hanafi Mahamud, an administrative staff member from the Faculty of Business (FOB), was appointed to be a part of the Skills Program Assessment Panel (PPV) and served as Assessment and Verification Personnel for the Malaysian Skills Certification System (SPKM). This appointment came from the Department of Skills Development (JPK), under the Ministry of Human Resources.

His responsibilities included understanding the online system and the JPK assessment process. This process adhered to the CODE OF PRACTICE FOR TVET PROGRAM ACCREDITATION (COPTPA) guidelines, which were developed in collaboration with the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). Tc. Mohd Hanafi Mahamud was also tasked with generating reports based on-site visits, and all of his activities had to align with the skill criteria set by JPK and MQA.

To meet the curriculum requirements, it was crucial to align with specific occupational and industry standards and practices. This alignment also extended to incorporating any relevant professional and industry needs, which included staying updated with best practices in the rapidly evolving technology field.

Occupational and industry standards and practices refer to the recognised benchmarks set by MQA and DSD. They certify the level of performance in a particular field or discipline. These standards outline the expected achievements, knowledge, and skills necessary for effective performance, as defined by the industry. One widely recognized set of Occupational/Industry Standards and Practices is the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS). NOSS outlines the expected performance levels and the essential knowledge and skills required to excel in one’s work, as defined by the industry.