MMU received another recognition when Team Teru Teru won the Gold Medal Award under the Professional Inventor Category at the International Virtual Expo of Innovation Product and System Design (INVIDE 2023) on 23 June 2023. The team of Teru Teru consists of the Project Leader, Mr Vincent Chan (Lecturer of Faculty of Business), and team members namely Lim Min Ying (Undergraduate of Faculty of Engineering), Ng Jin Yang (Undergraduate of Faculty of Information Science and Technology), Jeffrey Quek Shue Yew (Undergraduate of FOB), and Teh Ghee Ang (Postgraduate of FIST). 

With their idea, “A Crowdsourcing Flood Prediction and Alerting Application”, the project focused on the theme of Agricultural/ Environment/ Rural/Space Innovation, where around 250 representatives from government and private universities, polytechnics, or skills development centres, vocational colleges or open categories participated in the competition. INVIDE 2023 is an innovation competition, in which, innovative products and systems related to various science and technological fields are exhibited as a solution for the presented problems. 

The expo was held for the first time as a national-level exhibition in 2020, received a total of 220 participations from various schools, the Institute of Higher Learning (IHL), and open inventors, and in the year 2021 with a total participation of 376 innovation products. It aimed to provide fresh exposure to the various level of inventors, as well as to encourage a culture of innovative design focused on the latest technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and technologies-related inventions, in line with the theme of the expo. All in all, it was a perfect avenue for the participants to get exposure and learn about the latest technologies and designs. 

Well done!