In an exciting and educational field trip, 30 students from the Faculty of Management (FOM) visited Saudagar Nanas Agrofarm, Bangi on 20 June 2023. The students, studying Fundamental of Marketing and Seminar in Web Marketing coordinated by Dr. Junainah Mahdee, eagerly applied their classroom knowledge to real-life experiences at the agrofarm. The owner of the farm, Mr. Hadi generously shared his expertise, making it a unique learning opportunity.

Upon arrival, the students were greeted by a friendly staff member, Mr. Daus, and embarked on a guided tour of the picturesque plantation. Specialising in pineapple cultivation, the farm showcased the various stages of the fruit’s growth. The students gained insight into the importance of selecting the right variety, irrigation techniques, and organic fertilisers.

The trip wasn’t just about observation; the students actively engaged in applying their marketing skills related to product development, market segmentation, targeting, and integrated marketing communication tools, impressing the owner with their Q&A session.

As the day concluded, the students left with unforgettable memories and valuable lessons. The field trip served as a bridge between theory and practice, allowing the students to witness the impact of their marketing skills firsthand. It instilled in them a sense of passion and enthusiasm for their chosen field, leaving a lasting impression.