A total of 99 participants, including students, lecturers, and alumni, took part in the first-ever talk event entitled ‘Climbing the Ladder: Insights from Economics Alumni’, recently. Organised by the MMU Economics Society, two alumni were invited namely Mr. Darren Go, Assistant Manager in Strategy and Transaction at Ernst & Young (EY), and Ms. Vanisa Sukhavudh Charun, who currently works at Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

 The speakers shared their life journey including their educational experience in university as Economics students and their career stories. The students also gained insightful knowledge on how EY and BNM work and operate through the sharing. Dr. Goh Han Hwa, Programme Coordinator of the Bachelor of Analytical Economics delivered an opening keynote during the event, which raised awareness of the significance of an Economics club at MMU for the event attendees.

 The event indicated that MMU has produced a decent quality of Economics graduates, as the course has included all the necessary industry-related skills, ranging from Microsoft Excel to EViews, which are normally required in the workforce.