On 21 June 2023, the Faculty of Business (FOB) and Info-Tech Systems Integrators (M) Sdn Bhd joined hands in organizing the Industrial Handshake Programme at the Melaka campus. A total of 8 groups of BBA (Hons.) Human Resource Management students presented their research findings and innovative projects, which are supervised by Dr. Cheah Chew Sze.

The students’ presentations were evaluated by Info-Tech industry experts and university faculty members. The judges faced a challenging task of assessing the students’ skills, the clarity of their content, and their ability to engage the audience. The event not only recognised the collaborative efforts of the teams but also celebrated the exceptional performance of the winning group, to whom congratulations are in order.

By providing a platform for students to showcase their talents, this program has strengthened the bond between academia and industry. It has facilitated meaningful interactions between students and industry professionals, creating opportunities for future partnerships. As a result, this collaborative effort has contributed to advancements in various fields and fostered practical problem-solving approaches in the real world. The Industrial Handshake Program stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the benefits it brings to both students and the industry at large.