Let us extend our heartiest congratulations to Sidharrth Nagappan, our final year student from the Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI) together with his team members for winning second prize at the PayHack 2023 Competition that was held from 27-28 May 2023. The other team members are Brian Tang ( a senior Machine Learning engineer at Tapway) and Yeow Zi Qin (third-year Computer Science student from University of Malaya). 

The team walked away with a cash prize of RM15,000, trophies, and winning certificates during the prize presentation ceremony at the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur. The competition was organised by Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet), Microsoft, MDEC, My Startup, and Cradle. There were 51 teams from different universities across Malaysia participated in the competition. Sidharrth was the only MMU student participating in this event. For the record, Sidharrth and his other teammate developed a famous mobile app called ‘Sambal Sos” (an aid data crowdsourcing platform) to help poor people during the Movement Control Order (MCO) in 2020. 

Congratulations and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours!