On 8th December 2022, Multimedia University (MMU) was awarded CXP Best Customer Experience Awards 2022. This marked the second consecutive year of winning the award.

In 2022, the evaluation process had 3 stages as follows:

  • Completion of CX Velocity Survey – Minimum 30 customer responses must be achieved/ Clientele from B2B/ B2C or mixture of both depending on the business nature/ entities that are participating. Each company would identify the customer and provide them with the survey link and participation code. The response of the survey will be received by Business Media International.
  • Video Call Session to present about our Customer Experience initiatives and at the same time to share the CXP survey results.
  • Selection of branding plan and Award Acceptance

This achievement proves that MMU is on the right track in our Customer Experience efforts and initiatives. Our customers believe in us and have confidence in our brand.

Congratulations, MMU!