On 13th May 2018, Multimedia University (MMU) signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) to seal a smart partnership collaboration with Widyatama University, Indonesia at Grand Hall, Widyatama University during the ‘Sidang Terbuka Senat Guru Besar Universitas Widyatama dalam Acara Wisuda’ for Academic Session 2017/18. The MoA was signed by President of MMU, Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Rafi Mohamed Eshaq and Dr. Islahuzzaman, Rector of Widyatama University.

With the agreement, students from MMU will be able to establish and participate in the mobility programme, ‘Exchange of Undergraduates for Credit Earnings/ Credit Transfer Programme between Faculty of Visual Communication Design and Faculty of Creative Multimedia and between Faculty of Information Science & Technology with Faculty of Engineering”. Earlier on 12th March 2018, around 6 members from Widyatama University visited MMU Melaka to meet representatives from FIST and FCM to discuss on subject mapping, and both parties agreed to seal their collaboration with the MOA.

MMU was represented by Faculty of Information Science & Technology and the MoA was signed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lau Siong Hoe (Dean of FIST), whereas Widyatama was represented by Dr. M. Rozahi Istambul (Dean of Engineering). Another faculty that signed the MOA was Faculty of Creative Multimedia that was represented by its Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Chee Onn and Widyatama was represented by Dr. Anne Nurfarina, Dean of Visual Communication and Design. This event was also witnessed by Dr. Afizan Azman, Deputy Dean Academic and Internationalisation of FIST who also coordinated this MoA as well as Pn Indahsah Sidek, Director of International Relations and Mr. Viddi Mardiansyah, Head of International Office, Widyatama.

In this five years agreement, few more areas of collaboration will be identifi­ed for research collaboration, staff training and exchange programmes, and more academic and social network activities. Ultimately this collaboration will pave the way for improvement in research development activities and good international studying experience for both MMU and Widyatama University.