A total of 89 staff attended engagement sessions at MMU Cinema, Cyberjaya campus, and Theatre 1, Melaka campus, recently. Organised by Finance and Business Venture (FBV), the session served as an avenue for the get-to-know session with the Vice President of FBV, Ms. Nor Adni Ismail, and also to brief the staff on Business Compliance Index (BCI). The invited participants were cost center admins and executives who involve in the financial transaction from each faculty and division of MMU.

The FBV team presented the Q122 BCI results and elements of BCI where the BCI will be evaluated as part of the Key Performance Index (KPI) for this year. It is important for the users to understand the business rules as well as its do’s and don’ts in achieving full marks of BCI. The result will also be affected by several incidents including late GR, work performed without PO, late assertization, and many more.  Through this session, the participants gained knowledge and improve their awareness of the financial processes.