MMU’s Open Days on 31 March & 1 April 2018 provided a rare opportunity for students and parents to really understand the career paths available to smart, ambitious, and hardworking individuals.

From 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., MMU campuses at Cyberjaya, Melaka and Johor were visited by prospective students who were eager to learn more about our courses, extra-curricular activities, student accommodation, tuition fees, scholarship, facilities and other information. Lecturers and numerous support staff were on hand to share information with these students and their families. Some of the students took the opportunity to go on the campus tour and had a first-hand look at what each campus had to offer.

It was a satisfying day for all involved, with many students cementing their decisions to study in MMU, and they received their offer letters for the April 2018 Intake. To everyone who had worked so hard to make the Open Day a success, thank you so much, and congratulations, because your hard work is bringing the university that much closer to hitting our goals. Congratulations!