Let’s put our hands together for the MMU team, Digital Instant Solutions for Households (DISH), which recently was selected as one of the Top 12 teams in Malaysia to enter the final qualifying round in the Alibaba GET Global Challenge 2020, an international prestigious trade competition.

Hailing from the Faculty of Business (FOB), the team comprises Siti Jamila Syuhada, Aqif Azim, Cheah Wei Chee, S. Manivardhan Naidu, Wan Izyan Aqila and lecturer, Mr. Vincent Chan. They are currently in the final stage to fight for the Top 3 in order to qualify as national champion before competing at the global level. In the first round, the team was required to produce their 10-minute video of their business pitch. The judging panel shortlisted 10 teams, based on presentation skills, message clarity and creativity.

In the quest for the Top 3, the public may participate by casting their vote between 21 June 2020, 5 P.M. until 3rd July 2020, 5 P.M. Let’s support our team by voting for them at www.its1998.com/getchallenge-vote. The winning team will be presented with medals and certificates during the National Finals of Alibaba GET Global Challenge on 15th August 2020.

Let us wish them all the best!