Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mardeni Roslee from Faculty of Engineering (FOE) did MMU and Malaysia proud when he received International Prestigious Award: “Outstanding Researcher Award 2020” from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Vehicular Technology Society (VTS), USA. The award was officially given by Prof. Abbas Jamalipour, President of IEEE VTS, USA and Prof. Oliver Holland from King College London, United Kingdom.

The award is a world-renowned which participated by 10 regions worldwide which are the United States, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Latin America and Asia/Pacific. This award committed to empowering and supporting all researchers at the highest level and to supporting career researchers to build and sustain their careers in Vehicular Technology Communication Engineering. This award honours a researcher who has made outstanding contributions through the creation and sharing of new knowledge in Vehicular Technology Communication Engineering internationally.

The award considers as many exceptional candidates as possible and recognises an inclusive process of reflecting the full spectrum of diversity of vehicular technology membership. This award also appreciates outstanding research and celebrate achievement within the vehicular technology research environment which included external collaboration, support for research through hands-on training, technical events, promotional activities through research community, research activities and industry engagements including outstanding research project and impact of research on society and prosperity.

Congratulations Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mardeni!