A total of 250 students attended the Accounting Students Conference 2020 at the Melaka campus recently. The conference was organised by the Faculty of Business (FOB) and the CPA Australia Student Charter (CPAASC) of MMU Melaka. With its theme “The Revolution of Accounting: Big Data”, the conference highlighted the latest changes in the accounting field and how to manage the expectation in the real world. Moreover, the conference aimed to equip the students who attended, with sufficient exposure and knowledge of big data in order to help them get ready for Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0.

The conference featured well-known experts in the field namely Mr. Gopal Kiren, the Ernst & Young ASEAN Fintech Leader; Mr. Alfred Leo and Ms. Karen Lim, the Marketing Director and Manager of GTI Media Malaysia and Mr. Gabriel Wong, the Tax Manager at Ernst & Young (EY) to discuss on the relevant issues regarding the big data. In addition, Mr. R. Rajagopal from FOB, who is the MIA Liaison Officer, described the functions of the MIA, careers in accountancy, pathway as a Chartered Accountant (CA) under the Chartered Accountant’s Relevant Experience (CARE) Programme, and more.

The event was also attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gerald Goh Guan Gan, the Dean of FOB; Mr. Edwin Wong, a representative from CPA Australia; Mr. Azizi Samsudin, the Head of Accounting Unit as well as the club advisors, Dr. Lim Ying Zhee and Dr Yip Yen Yen.