Mr. Mohd Helmi bin Ramlee, Industrial Advisory Panel of Bachelor of Analytical Economics Programme who is currently a senior economist of Bank Negara Malaysia spent his day with the Economics Unit staff and students from the Faculty of Management (FOM) in Cyberjaya recently. The visit aimed at evaluating whether the academic curriculum of the programme, academic staff, educational resources and the university’s Quality Management Systems (QMS) are at par with the best practices to meet the current needs of the industries.

The students were given a chance to have a mutually interactive session with the guest, which helped the students to gain more insights into the industry’s current and future needs. Besides, there was an insightful talk entitled “Monetary Policy in Malaysia” which was delivered by Mr. Mohd Helmi. The talk shared from the industry’s point of view had captured the attention of the students on the real scenario of monetary policy formulation and implementation process as he shared his experience and knowledge on such practice by the Bank Negara Malaysia in the Malaysian economy context. The event was also attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nahariah Jaafar, the Dean of FOM.