On 11 September 2024, MMU hosted an insightful session on Digital Technology for Climate Governance at the MMU Cinema, Cyberjaya. This event, held as part of the National Climate Governance Summit 2024 (NCGS), was organised in collaboration with partners Amanah Lestari Alam (ALAM) and Climate Governance Malaysia (CGM) under the University Network for NCGS 2024. The session brought together thought leaders, academics, and students to explore the vital role digital technology plays in addressing climate governance challenges.

The session commenced with welcoming remarks by Prof. Ir. Dr. Hairul Azhar Abdul Rashid, Vice President of Market Exploration, Engagement & Touchpoint (MEET) at MMU, who emphasised the university’s commitment to sustainability and climate action through technological innovation.

A keynote address was delivered by Prof. Dr. Mohd Kushairi Mohd Rajuddin, a renowned coastal ecologist and environmental scientist, on behalf of MMU Pro-Chancellor, Academician Tan Sri Dr. Zakri Abdul Hamid, who was unable to attend due to official commitments in Sabah. Prof. Dr. Kushairi’s address highlighted the growing importance of integrating digital tools into climate governance to enhance environmental resilience and sustainable development.

A key highlight of the event was a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Terrence Tan Gek Siang, where prominent experts shared their perspectives on the integration of digital technology into climate governance frameworks. The panel featured Dr. Sharlene Thiagarah, CEO of TM R&D, and Dr. Siti Zakiah Melatu Samsi, Dean of the Faculty of Business (FOB). Both speakers discussed the potential of digital innovations, such as big data, AI, and IoT, in enhancing environmental monitoring, policymaking, and resource management.

In addition to the discussions, MMU also launched the Adopt-a-Tree campaign, an initiative spearheaded by Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM). This campaign aims to enrich MMU’s landscape while actively supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) 15 – Life on Land. By engaging corporations, alumni, and individuals, the campaign fosters environmental conservation efforts and provides essential financial aid for B40 students at MMU.

The event marked a significant milestone in university’s continued efforts to promote sustainability and climate action, demonstrating the university’s leadership in driving the digital transformation of climate governance in Malaysia.