On 10 September 2024, the Industrial Linkage Committee (ILC) of the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) organised an engaging talk that attracted about 120 participants from across the faculty. The session, titled “Thermodynamics & Its Application: Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,” focused on making complex engineering concepts both cool and relatable.

Leading the charge were two dynamic speakers from Duriane, Malaysia’s top engineering consultancy: Nigel Chuah and Ahmad Izzat Farhan bin Ahmad Latfi. Nigel, a Governance and Compliance Engineer highlighted on how thermodynamics isn’t just about heat and energy, but it’s about keeping things efficient and compliant with industry heavyweights like ISO 45001 and ISO 9001. He shared insights on aligning engineering processes with governance standards, highlighting how smart compliance can supercharge management systems.

Ahmad Izzat, with his robust mechanical engineering chops, took the audience through a journey of real-world applications. From cooling semiconductor plants to breathing new life into old buildings, he showcased how thermodynamics keeps the gears running smoothly in Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) systems. He also spilled the details on tackling challenges in project management, like his current gig at a recycling plant—talk about engineering for a greener tomorrow. The talk left participants with fresh insights on how thermodynamics drives innovation in engineering, making HVAC systems more efficient and sustainable.