
EDC Cultivates Future Business Leaders Through Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP)

Corporate Communications Department


As part of the eCadet initiative, the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) was conducted by the Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) on 28 and 29 August 2024 at TheINNOLab. This program aimed to equip MMU students with essential knowledge, skills, and inspiration to embark on their entrepreneurial journey.

Participants engaged in insightful sessions led by industry experts, including Mr. Kelvin Shaman Manoharan from Unifi Business, who discussed the entrepreneurial mindset, and Ms. Nuraini Alyaa Ramlan, also from Unifi Business, who focused on marketing and branding. Additionally, Ms. Roslin Daud from MRANTI and Mr. Mohamad Farhan from Seedlab shared their expertise on idea generation and validation, particularly in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mr. Hanif Marzuki from YouthVenture Asia Sdn Bhd conducted a workshop on the Business Model Canvas, while Dr. Noridayu binti Abdullah Sani, a lecturer from the Faculty of Business (FOB), provided insights into financial planning for startups. The program concluded with a Pitching Workshop and a guided session on how to pitch, led by Mr. Muzakkir Mohamad from Cradle Fund.

The YEP served as a comprehensive platform designed to empower young entrepreneurs with the tools needed to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. EDC extends its heartfelt gratitude to their eCadet partners for sharing their insights and contributing to the success of the program.