MMU Grüne Welt, an enthusiastic engineering student team comprising 12 undergraduate students from Mechanical (ME) and Robotic and Automation (RE) Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET), made a remarkable comeback in 2024 after several years of participating virtually in the Shell Eco-marathon event. 

Under the guidance of advisors Dr. Lim Boon Kian, Dr. Liew Kia Wai, and Dr. Lim Chee Siong, the team showcased their cutting-edge innovation and sustainable technology in the realm of energy-efficient battery-electric prototype vehicles. Their efforts were on full display at the Shell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and Middle East 2024 competition, held from July 2 to 6 at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit in Lombok, Indonesia. 

The Shell Eco-marathon is one of the world’s premier student engineering competitions, empowering the next generation of energy leaders to design, build, and test ultra-energy efficient vehicles. This year, 78 student teams from 12 countries across the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions participated. The technical and safety inspection standards were unprecedentedly stringent, causing many teams to struggle with compliance before being allowed to race. 

MMU Grüne Welt was one of only 17 out of 34 teams in the battery-electric prototype category to pass the rigorous inspections. This achievement was a testament to the team’s meticulous preparation and dedication. During the race, MMU Grüne Welt achieved an impressive on-track result of 294.3 km/kWh, securing 1st place among Malaysian teams and ranking 8th in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions. This performance also set a new personal best mileage record for the team in their history of participation. 

MMU Grüne Welt has established itself as a seasoned and professional contender in this competition. The team has a clear understanding of its strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to identify key areas for improvement and greater achievements. They express heartfelt gratitude to all parties who have supported and contributed to their success, directly or indirectly, making this meaningful event possible including MMU, FET, Telekom Malaysia (TM), Student Lifestyle & Experience (STyLE), Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM), CEMA Ceramic Bearing Malaysia, Tukang Basikal Fook Sang, Marryland and MECP, and Ms. Pong Jing Ching. 

Congratulations MMU Grüne Welt!