On 27 June 2024, the King Sejong Institute (KSI) at Multimedia University (MMU) Melaka warmly welcomed 74 students from three Korean universities: Nambu University, Songwon University, and Honam University. The students spent two hours at the campus, touring facilities including the Siti Hasmah Digital Library (SHDL). This visit aimed to enhance global competencies through international university exchanges. 

Accompanying the students were esteemed representatives from the Korean universities: Dr. Ho Yeon Kim from Songwon University, Mr. Kim Tae Hoon, and Ms. Jeong Mi Hyun from Nambu University. These representatives expressed keen interest in exploring future engagements and collaborations, particularly in Korean cultural exchange programs. Potential initiatives include martial arts, language programs, Korean festival events, and student mobility programmes. 

This visit not only provided the Korean students with valuable insights into MMU Melaka’s academic environment but also marked the first step in building a robust relationship between the institutions, paving the way for future collaborations and cultural exchanges.