On 25 July 2024, the Faculty of Business (FOB) welcomed a delegation of 180 students from Thiagarajar School of Management (TSM), Madurai, India. Organised by Saito University College as part of their student mobility programme, this visit aimed to foster global academic and cultural exchange.
Dr. Hasmida Jamaluddin, the Deputy Dean of Academic and International Relations, extended a warm welcome to the visiting students. The delegation was briefed on the diverse programmes offered by the faculty. Discussions were also held between FOB, Saito UC and TSM in terms of research collaboration and future mobility opportunities.
One of the key moments of the visit was a talk by Prof. Dr. Hishammuddin Ismail, FOB’s marketing professor, entitled “From Traditional to Transformational: The Journey of Technology in Marketing.” This insightful presentation provided the students with new knowledge and perspectives on the evolving marketing landscape.
The guests also had the opportunity to tour Melaka campus including Rimbun Ilmu, Siti Hasmah Digital Library, Learning Point, Persada Permata Dunia, and other significant sites. The visit offered the students a comprehensive and enriching experience at MMU Land, leaving a lasting impression of academic excellence and cultural exchange.