Centre for Alumni (CfA) together with Career Connect and the Faculty of Management (FOM) joined hands to organise a talk by Mr. Mohd Ibrahim Abu Bakar, Managing Director of Business Succession Planning Consultant on 24 January 2024. Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering (FOE), Mr. Ibrahim shared his insights on the topic titled “Maximising Your LinkedIn Profile for Professional Success” with 50 students. 

This session was held for the Permata Dunia Returns segment for this year. This segment served as an avenue for alumni to share their knowledge and industrial experience with the student community. It also helps to build a strong relationship between alumni and its alma mater. 

The speaker emphasised on the role of LinkedIn profile that reflects the professional journey, and it should continuously evolve as growth in career. This fruitful session helped the students to delve deeper into this online platform as it is a powerful tool for professionals to connect, network, and showcase their skills and expertise.