Cnergy received a courtesy visit from Mr. Mohd Zaki Abdul Rahim, Senior Executive of Zakat Consultation Department of Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) on 22 January 2024 at the Cyberjaya campus. The visit witnessed the presentation of a recognition plaque to the Cnergy for their zakat contribution in 2023. The plaque was received by Ms. Nor Adni Ismail, Vice President of Finance and Business Venture. 

The visit was also attended by Mr. Norkhairul Wahab, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cnergy and Mr. Izad Ismail, Director of Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM). The occasion also provided an opportunity for Cnergy to showcase their product offerings and highlight their projects with other sponsored organisations throughout 2023.  

Mr. Khairul also shared some insights on the company’s achievements and initiatives in support of various charitable causes. Moreover, Cnergy also expressed its aspiration to collaborate with LZS for upcoming projects for this year. The exchange of information and mutual appreciation during this courtesy visit further strengthened the tie between MMU, Cnergy, YUM, and LZS, setting a positive tone for future collaborations and engagements.