A total of 60 YUM’s Ibnu Haitham Scholars recently underwent transformative training with Lawrence Walter Seminars LWS Strategic Group on 8 November 2023 at the Cyberjaya campus. The session, “New Beginning Kick Start YUM: Preparing for the New Journey,” was conducted by Tn. Hj. Dr. Zander Iskander, a senior certified international master trainer. En Izad Ismail, Director of YUM delivered his welcoming remarks to the participants during the event. 

The programme aimed to instil The Winning Mindset, Power Communication, Inspiring Personality, and Career Readiness in shaping the students into extraordinary (XO) graduates. This strategic partnership between YUM and Lawrance Walter Seminars LWS Strategic Group highlights a shared commitment to empowering young talents, and bridging the gap between academic excellence and practical skills. Beyond the training room, the collaboration anticipates a global impact, as newly empowered YUM Scholars are poised to make positive contributions.

In this engaging training, scholars actively participated, leaving no stone unturned in unlocking their potential. The collaboration marks a significant step in the holistic development of young talents, ensuring they positively influence their communities and the wider world.