On 23 October 2023, Dr. Afandi Yusof, Deputy Dean of Student Experience and Alumni at the Faculty of Business (FOB), served as the External Examiner for the Diploma in Business Administration program at the University of Cyberjaya (UoC). An External Examiner’s role is to ensure high educational standards are maintained accordingly. 

The day began with a warm welcome from Dr. Noor Adila Abd Raub, Head of the Diploma in Business Administration programme, Ms. Siti Murshyidah Khadzar, FOBT Head of Quality, and Dr. Syed Kadir, the Industry Engagement Coordinator. Dr. Afandi engaged in discussions with faculty members, students, and staff to understand the programme’s details. The examination involved document reviews and idea exchanges aimed at enhancing program quality.

After lunch, Dr. Afandi toured the campus to see UoC students’ facilities. The day concluded with an emphasis on the External Examiner’s vital role in maintaining high education standards for UoC students.