On 21 August 2023, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su’ud, President of MMU was invited to be one of the speakers in the ‘Wacana Pendidikan: Memajukan Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia dan Indonesia’ in Pontianak, Indonesia. Among other panelists were Encik Novie Tajuddin, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS); Dr. Herlan, Dean of Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN) and Prof. Madya Dr. Ir Edy Herianto Majlan, Senior Lecturer of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). 

The educational discourse was attended by a total of 150 participants including academic staff and education officers from West Kalimantan. The event also witnessed an MoU signing ceremony between MMU and UNTAN to formalise the cooperation between the two varsities in elevating the higher education industry. 

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su’ud also made a visit to the Governor of West Kalimantan, which was also attended by the Consulate General of Malaysia to Pontianak. During the visit, they exchanged views and perspectives on how to leverage MMU’s expertise in digital content and establish university-to-university collaboration. 

Another significant moment was a tree-planting ceremony by the CEO of EMGS, MMU President, and Rector of UNTAN. This event has significantly developed the academic cooperation between these higher education institutions, which would greatly benefit the university community.