A workshop on Understanding Oneself and Synergizing the Team was held at the Faculty of Business (FOB) on 3 August 2023. The session was conducted by Dr. Susan Chin, our academic staff and who is also a certified Directive Communication Psychology trainer. Through the session, the participants were exposed to the coloured brain framework, which was developed by Arthur Carmazzi. The framework explains the four colour types namely red, purple, green, and blue that characterize how a person behaves.

The second half of the workshop highlighted the emotional drivers of people, where it has 8 categories: love and belonging, security and control, diversity, challenge and growth, responsibility and contribution, recognition and significance, excellence and achievement. These emotional drivers relate to why people behave differently from one another and it also reflects on their attitude towards their life.

Participants in the workshop were challenged to assemble the cards which can be pushed on their wheels. They took about 30 mins to complete the task. The wheelbarrow was a success! During the debrief, the participants felt they had a responsibility and contribution to the task and that they took the task as a challenge. For a team to synergize, there needs to be a common emotional driver in the group. If there isn’t a common emotional driver, the group may have trouble functioning and may not be able to achieve the goal. It is hoped that this workshop would help the participants gain insightful experience in knowing themselves as well as building their team synergy.