Let us extend our heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Dr. Mardeni Roslee from the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) for securing the Best Researcher Award at the International Research Awards on Sensing Technology 2023, recently. The award is known for its stringent selection process and generous research achievement which aims to foster groundbreaking research and innovation in Europe. Prof. Dr. Mardeni Roslee, a distinguished researcher in the field of Wireless Sensing Technology, and a prominent expert in next generation 6G wireless communication, appeared victorious in a competitive pool of international applicants.  

 This achievement signifies Prof. Mardeni’s individual excellence but also MMU’s commitment to strengthening its research and academic ecosystem via innovative research and global academic recognition. The Sensing Technology of International Research Award 2023 seeks to promote scientific breakthroughs, technological advancements, and socio-economic progress. It offers substantial recognition for researchers and institutions, enabling them to pursue transformative projects that address key societal challenges. 

Prof.Mardeni’s research focuses on the modern wireless sensing system and the Internet of Things. His research project involved researchers from Malaysia and Europe aiming at synergising communication and sensing technology to develop a secure, reliable, and real-time Internet of Things system. His contribution highlighted the significance of his research and its potential to create a lasting impact, not only in academia but also in industries and society at large. 

Congratulations, Prof. Mardeni!