Mr. Lim Zhi Hao, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the Robospace PLT was invited as the guest speaker in the Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET) Alumni Sharing Session on 8 June 2023. Graduated with Diploma in Electronic Engineering in 2016, Mr. Lim delivered a talk titled “Applying Theory in the Workplace” to the FET students during the session.

He shared his learning journey and emphasised the basic concept of engineering and the application of engineering theories in both the workplace and daily life. Other than studying, Mr. Lim Zhi Hao also actively participated in co-curriculum activities when he was a student. He was the president of the MMU Robotic Club and he joined the student exchange program and other campus activities during his study years.

He explained with these experiences he developed interpersonal and leadership skills. Currently, Mr. Lim Zhi Hao is actively involved in the non-profit organisation and occasionally provides help and guidance to the youth and teenagers who are interested in STEAM education. He encouraged his juniors with Diploma in Electronic Engineering to pursue their passions in engineering for their bright pathway. Kudos to the FET Alumni Committee for organising such a meaningful event!