Multimedia University (MMU) hosted the Grand Iftar (Iftar Perdana) at the Cyberjaya and Melaka campuses on 12 April and 13 April 2023 respectively. This flagship event was attended by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su’ud, President of MMU together with invited guests as well as staff and students. 

MMU through Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM) also presented Aidilfitri aid to 446 recipients during the event. The event was also filled with Ramadan tazkirah sessions by invited speakers, where the audience was enlightened on the importance of charitable giving and zakat and others. YUM also received the Zakat payment from representatives of the company and organisation, who also attended the programme.  

Prior to the Grand Iftar, Prof. Dato’ Mazliham also had the opportunity to make a Ramadan must-have dish, MMU Bubur Berlauk with his own recipe. More than 2000 containers were made and distributed at both campuses. This event is significant for the MMU community to be together especially during the holy month of Ramadan, in contrast to when the mass gathering was not allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic.